Унгария е против споразумението за миграционната реформа, постигнато от европейските страни. „Ние отхвърляме този пакт…
Отпускат 6 347 454 лева трансфери по бюджетите на общини. Средствата са за…
14 229 690 лв. допълнително отпусна днес правителството за увеличаване на капитала на…
Създава се Консултативен съвет по въпроси, свързани със защитата на българската държава по…
Кабинетът одобри 79 131 905 лв. за осигуряване на безплатни учебници и учебни…
Световни новини
To understand the new smart watches and other pro devices of recent focus we should look to Silicon Valley and…
To understand the new smart watches and other pro devices of recent focus we should look to Silicon Valley and…
To understand the new smart watches and other pro devices of recent focus we should look to Silicon Valley and…
To understand the new smart watches and other pro devices of recent focus we should look to Silicon Valley and…
To understand the new smart watches and other pro devices of recent focus we should look to Silicon Valley and…
To understand the new smart watches and other pro devices of recent focus we should look to Silicon Valley and…
To understand the new smart watches and other pro devices of recent focus we should look to Silicon Valley and…
To understand the new smart watches and other pro devices of recent focus we should look to Silicon Valley and…
To understand the new smart watches and other pro devices of recent focus we should look to Silicon Valley and…
To understand the new smart watches and other pro devices of recent focus we should look to Silicon Valley and…